"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Renter has the clubhouse for the entire day of the rental agreement. Renter may not enter the Clubhouse before or after the rental date, including for setup or teardown.
The occupancy of the Clubhouses is not to exceed 50 people.

Select Clubhouse*
The rental fee covers post-event cleaning, with the remaining balance allocated to a fund for maintaining clubhouse furniture and equipment. Rentals are provided "as-is." Discounts are not offered, and refunds are not provided except for the security deposit.
The HOA reserves the right to repair any damages to the Clubhouse and bill the renter accordingly, even if the cost of repairs exceeds the security deposit. Your security deposit will be refunded in whole or in part depending on the condition of the Clubhouse following the event. The deposit will be returned in a timely manner if no problems are found. The renter will not be entitled to any interest on the deposit.

Security Deposit Refund: After your event, request a refund of your security deposit, by completing the Shipley’s Grant Clubhouse Security Deposit Return Request that is found on our website.
Rental of the clubhouse requires submission of proof of event insurance listing Shipley's Grant and Pelican Property as the additional insured and including the specific address of the clubhouse you are renting. Contact your insurance agent to provide this documentation and attach it below or send it to support@pelicanmgt.com once completed. This is mandatory. No rentals will be accepted/processed without proof of the proper insurance. There may be an additional fee from the homeowner’s insurance company.
Max. file size: 50 MB.
Submission of this request is subject to review and approval by the Board of Directors and Pelican Property Management. Upon such approval, your reservation will be secured, and confirmation sent back to you. Do not make any other arrangements (catering, invitations, etc) until approval has been received.

Please read and acknowledge your understanding of the following:

  • In order to rent the clubhouse all assessment fees must be current at the time of the contract and the time of the event
  • I have read and understand the rental rules, and agree to abide by them. A representative from the Board or Management has the authority to enforce rules and terminate this agreement at any time during the course of the event if any of the rules are violated. Should this occur a refund for the unused time will not be paid to the renter.
  • The Shipley’s Grant Community Association assumes no liability for any injuries to persons, damages to the building or any damages to personal property on the premises at anytime
  • The undersigned hereby releases and hold harmless and indemnify Shipley’s Grant Community Association, property owners and the employees, contractors, agents, affiliates and related entities thereof for all claims, attorney fees and other cost or liabilities incurred by or asserted against any of the forgoing as a result of use of the Shipley’s Grant Community Association Clubhouse by owner or owner’s guest.
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY

Clubhouse Rental Rules

Shipley’s Grant HOA

Effective 4/27/2023

  1. The rental agreement includes use of the Clubhouse only. Use of the pool, any outdoor areas, management offices, or other locked areas are prohibited.
  2. Use of the Clubhouse is only permitted for the date of the rental agreement. The renter and guests cannot enter the clubhouse before or after that date for any reason, including setup or teardown.
  3. The renter is responsible for the safety of themselves and their guests. The renter assumes sole responsibility for any and all damage to the Clubhouse caused during the rental period.
  4. The renter is expected to return the Clubhouse to its previous condition. Furniture should be restored to its original location. All personal belongings, including those in the refrigerator, should be emptied.
  5. Decorations should not be hung in such a way as to damage the paint or other surfaces, or leave any holes in the walls. This also includes tape or tape residue.
  6. If using large containers filled with ice to cool beverages, the flooring must be protected with plastic to avoid condensation damage.
  7. To prevent insects/pests from entering the clubhouse and also minimize increased utility costs, doors are not permitted to be propped open.
  8. Except for registered service animals, no animals of any kind are permitted in the Clubhouse.
  9. Smoking of any kind is not permitted inside the clubhouse.
  10. Food trucks are not permitted for events.
  11. Due to the proximity of homes to the Clubhouse, all sounds must be kept to a reasonable level. Complaints from any homeowners in the community may cause the rental to be terminated immediately, with no refund to the renter. Please be mindful of your neighbors.
  12. For parking at the Richards Valley Clubhouse, all guests are to use Talbot Drive or the parking lot by the pool. Aside from loading or unloading, parking is not permitted on Richards Valley Road as it interferes with residential parking. Renters are responsible for instructing guests where to park.
  13. All trash and recycling must be disposed of offsite – either in the renter’s own bins or taken to the county landfill. Use of the on-site bins for rental events is prohibited.
  14. It is the renter's responsibility to lock up, arm the security system, and return the key to the appropriate party after the event.
The board or management can stop an event, at any time, for violation of any rules, or misrepresentation of any information in the rental application. Renters who do not follow the rules can be blocked from renting the Clubhouse for future events.

Additional Forms