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In consideration of the acceptance of my application for membership in the Fitness Facility (hereinafter “Facility”) and/or the authorization of my entry into and use of the Facility, at the Fallston Commons Clubhouse, Fallston, Maryland, I,
understand and agree that Fallston Commons Homeowners Association. Inc. and its Board members, officers, employees, committee members, and agents will not have or assume any financial liability for the expense of medical treatment or of compensation for any injury I may suffer during or resulting from activities while in the Facility.

I further understand that I alone am responsible for my safety while engaging in the use of the Facility and that I am using the Facility at my own risk. I have no physical or medical condition that would endanger me or other people while I am using the Facility. I am physically capable of using the equipment at the Facility. I am responsible for knowing and following all the rules at the Facility and will always conduct myself while in the Facility with due care and diligence.

I further understand and agree and hereby release and discharge from any liability for myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives, assignees and successors in interest (hereinafter the “Successors”) and indemnify and hold harmless Fallston Commons Homeowners Association, Inc. ("the Association") its Board of Directors, officers, employees, committee members, agents and any other affiliated parties (the “Indemnified Parties”) from and against any claims or liability of any nature whatsoever arising from my use of the Facility.

I further understand and agree to abide by the Fallston Commons Fitness Room Rules and agree my privileges to use the Facility may be suspended if I do not follow these Rules.

This Agreement contains the entire understanding of the parties regarding release and indemnification.   Any amendment or modification of the provisions of this Agreement shall be effective only if made in writing and executed with the same formality as this Agreement. The above representations are binding and are intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the laws of the State of Maryland.

I acknowledge that I am not permitted to invite guests into the Facility or otherwise allow others to enter the Facility.

I acknowledge that I am 19 years of age or older, and that I have read and understand the contents of this Release and Indemnification Agreement.
Clear Signature
MM slash DD slash YYYY
To Submit: This form may be completed online at pelicanmgt.com.  Otherwise, a copy or photo of the executed form must be either emailed to access@fallstoncommons.org,  or deposited in the Access Committee Document Submission folder in the Clubhouse. If the paper form is used, the executed original must be mailed to Fallston Commons HOA, c/o Pelican Property Management, 8725 Loch Raven Boulevard, Suite 201, Towson, MD 21286.

Questions regarding use of and procedures for the Access System should be directed to the Access Committee via access@fallstoncommons.org.

Revised April 11, 2024

Additional Forms