"*" indicates required fields

Please review the Access Committee Information Sheet before completing this form.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
This form is to be used to request access to the Fallston Commons Clubhouse and Fitness Room.  The completed form is to be submitted (see directions below) to access@fallstoncommons.org for review and approval.  Once approved, access will be activated.  A separate request form must be completed for each individual resident living at a specific address desiring facility access.
The Fallston Commons security system provides facility access using both a traditional Key Fob and/or a Smart Phone App. Please indicate your preference(s) below:
Access Method Requested: (Mark all that apply)
There are two levels of access permitted: Clubhouse access, and Fitness Room access. All community residents are granted Clubhouse access once the appropriate form is submitted. Please indicate your preference(s) below:
Access Level Requested: (Mark the Access Level(s) requested)
Please Note: For access to the Fitness Room, completion of the Fitness Facility Release and Indemnification Agreement (Waiver) is mandatory and must be completed, signed, and submitted to both Pelican Property Management and the Access Committee before access will be granted.  The Waiver may be completed either online at pelicanmgt.com, or manually using the Pelican Resident HOA Portal under “Shared Documents,” and then “Forms,” downloading, and printing the Waiver.

 A copy of this completed form may be photographed, or scanned, and the copy emailed to access@fallstoncommons.org; or it may be placed in the Access Committee’s Document Submission Folder in the Clubhouse.

 Questions regarding use of and procedures for the Access System should be directed to the Access Committee via access@fallstoncommons.org.

Revised April 11, 2024

Additional Forms